MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

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MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

Post by toeknee »

I know several of you said you would help and here is your chance. I am leaving mid week to go to Australia for two weeks with Ivan. Thus, I am not going to be able to do most of the co-ordinating, sadly. I feel awful that I said I would take the lead and now cannot do most of it. This is a trip that was not planned very far in advance for me as it was a graduation present from Ivan. Anyway, I need the following:

1. Prize Coordinator--I have information about who has been kind enough to donate in the past that you can use to request for this year. I have not really made much progress here.
2. T-Shirt Coordinator--We are still waiting on Samer to get us the design, but as soon as he does this individual would need to get the design to the t-shirt place and get the design worked out. I have the information about who we have used in the past. This person would then also need to take the numbers that we get from the registration forms and order the shirts. In the past, Baron has reimbursed whoever for the cost of the shirts (probably easiest if you have a credit card and can just charge them until they pay back). This person would also need to get the shirts picked up and to the event.

I am trying to get in touch with Samer in hopes he has finished the t-shirt design and can give us lunch options so we can get registration forms out. If I cannot get anything from him before I leave, I will probably be posting more requests for help.
Thanks in advance!

Re: MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

Post by toeknee »

Mini_me has volunteered to take care of the shirts for us. Thanks, mini_me! Samer told me he'd have the design the first of the month.

I still need someone (or a bunch of people...) to deal with the prizes. :)

Re: MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

Post by mini_me »

Glad to be of help!!!! Lookin forward to the event...hopefully we can have some peeps willin to help out with prizes!
I have some experience with girls brands', but for the guys, is there brands u like, brands to stay away from?? Any input is welcome!! Just PM me!
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Re: MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

Post by S-car-go »

I would be glad to tag team Prize Coodinator if some one else can assist. With less than a month to the event, I do not feel my schedule would allow me to give it the attention needed but it wouldn't be bad if two people split it up. I'll send you a PM with my contact info.
2012 Reef Blue Clubman "S" Hampton, auto, cold weather, driving lights.

Re: MINIs at the Market--Volunteers please

Post by LiLReD1 »

Wish I could help, but I'm just hoping to make the event!
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