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Calling all Mid West Coopers! River City MINI Rally June 21

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:48 pm
by Marlow Main
I found this post on NAM for a rally in Peoria, IL on NAM. I thought I would post this in case anyone else was interested in attending.

This is only about 350 miles from KC and might be a fun MINI weekend get away. We are looking in to attending and taking my niece who was heartbroken that she could not go to the mountains with us last year.

the link: ... nois+rally

Calling all Mid West Coopers! River City MINI Rally June 21 & 22 2008
St Louis MINI Club and Chicago MINI Motoring Club welcome you to the
inaugural River City MINI Rally in Peoria IL. Peoria is an oasis in the
flatlands of central Illinois. Motoring into the picturesque Illinois
River Valley of Peoria is a relief from the miles of corn and beans. This
is a FREE event. There will be two catered meals to budget into your trip.
Once we have the details we will post them here. Please check back for

Stoney Creek Inn, is offering us a discount rate of $89.00 and special parking for our Coopers. Just call them at 309-694-1300 ask for a room in the River City MINI Rally
block. Please sign up below to allow us to plan for the right number of
guests. At this time we are planning for 50 Coopers and 75 guests, but
would love to see the numbers grow. The following information will be
updated has we get closer and have a better idea of how many are coming.
Event Outline
Sat June 21st
11 am Start with a Meet and Greet at local Drive-In for lunch. Budget
$5-$8 each for food
2 pm Five Card Cooper Run with prizes at the group dinner at event hotel.
Budget $12-19 each for food.
Sun June 22nd
FREE Sunday morning expanded continental breakfast for hotel guests.
Sunday morning drive will start at event hotel.
9 am Fun Drive to Wheel O' Time for lunch and fun
Noon Wheel O' Time for group lunch and fun. Budget $15 each for food and fun.
If you would like to host a brew swap or something not listed above just
send us a PM to work out the details.