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Personalized plate advice?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:58 pm
by MiniVespa
Well, I stood in line at the DMV for an hour and half today to get my Mini legal. I am registering it as an historic vehicle, as its titled as an 82 and I will be able to avoid ever going to the DMV again for it. I figure I might as well get a personalized historic plate.

Anyone have any suggestions. The form says the plate must consist of no more than six characters or six characters plus a dash, space, or an apostrophe.

My Mini is a Mini 30, if that gives anyone any ideas besides "MINI 30" (which certainly works). I have to come up with 6 choices.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:56 am
by mzupon
Well, from looking at the pics of your Mini, with the black and the big silver grille, I just kept thinking "Darth". :lol: But since you only have 6 characters, "MINIVDR" doesn't work, nor does "DRTHMNI". You could go "DRK SID", but that's probably taken, and all of this is presuming you even LIKE Star Wars. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:39 am
by MiniVespa
Haha, yea, I'm not really a star wars fan, but you do make a good point about the black with the silver grill.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:52 pm
by Counterfit_Mini
mzupon wrote:Well, from looking at the pics of your Mini, with the black and the big silver grille, I just kept thinking "Darth". :lol: But since you only have 6 characters, "MINIVDR" doesn't work, nor does "DRTHMNI". You could go "DRK SID", but that's probably taken, and all of this is presuming you even LIKE Star Wars. :D
Those plates rock. LOL
I have historic plates on my Mini and all my choices were taken but I think that was alot of BS too because who has 77 MINI on their license plate. There isn't that many in Missouri..

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:04 am
by mzupon
I've always been of the opinion that the personalized plate should say something about the owner, not just the car. That's why my first plate was "JHAWK2K", the year I graduated KU, and of course my current one is "M1N1AC", cause I'm just crazy about the cars. :) The oddest personal plate I ever saw was "BMW325I", the exact same nameplate that was a foot and a half away on the trunk.

That being said, if your car has a name, it's never a bad choice, especially if it's a COOL nickname, like "Ninja Mini", translated "NNJAMN" or something.

If you're a Starbucks Fan, "BLK-CFE"
If you're a proponent of high quality booze, "BLK-LBL"
If you like really cheesy 80's TV Shows, "NIT RDR", or "KIT500" for Knight Rider
If you like really cheesy 60's TV Shows, "GRN HNT", or "BEAUTY" for the Green Hornet

Etc etc. :)