Our generous sponsors for the 2013 MINIs at the Market event...
Baron MINI -- baronmini.com
Out Motoring - outmotoring.com
MINI Mania - minimania.com
Motoring Badges - motoringbadges.com
Stuck on MINIs -- stuckonminis.com
WD-40 Corporation
GraficTz.com -- http://grafictz.com/site/Gallery_MINI.html
MINIs at the Market 2013 Sponsor list
MINIs at the Market 2013 Sponsor list
'19 Emerald Grey/Chili Red JCW (F56) <---- Greg's car
'08 Dark Silver/Black Cooper S convertible JCW (R52) <---- Greg's other car
'02 BRG/White Cooper (R50) Iowa plate: M1N1 <-----Judy's car
Des Moines/KC/whatever
'19 Emerald Grey/Chili Red JCW (F56) <---- Greg's car
'08 Dark Silver/Black Cooper S convertible JCW (R52) <---- Greg's other car
'02 BRG/White Cooper (R50) Iowa plate: M1N1 <-----Judy's car
Des Moines/KC/whatever